The top 5 ideas at the National inter-university pitch share a combined UGX 10,000,000 award money to work on their key need areas to push their businesses further.

24th November 2022

About the Pitch Event

The National Inter-University Pitch competition is a flagship StartHub Africa. The event celebrates and exposes innovations and talents at universities as well as engage partners, donors and the entire ecosystem through sharing our impact.

It targets the university community, ecosystem players, investors, development organizations, industry partners to discuss some of the relevant themes in innovation and entrepreneurship education for young people.

The event is a culmination of our LaunchPad program, a university entrepreneurship program we run with partner universities. The National pitch event is a competition among the different top and best ideas that come out of the respective university internal pitches.

Our insights and numbers

10 Millions

UGX in grants

07 Members


05 Winners




Agenda Items

09:00 am Arrival for offline audience & breakfast
10:00 am Intro of MCs
10:05 am Welcoming remarks by StartHub Africa
10:15 am Introduction of Judges & Judging Criteria
10:25 am Start-ups Pitches Phase I (6 Pitches) + Q&A

5 min. per pitch, 5 min. Q&A

1 Question from the online audience through online chat

11:25 am Networking break
11:35 AM Start-ups Pitches Phase I (6 Pitches) + Q&A

5 min. per pitch, 5 min. Q&A

1 Question from the online audience through online chat

12:35 PM

12:50 PM

Guest of Honour

Awarding certificates to finalists

Closing remarks

Voting starts

1:00 PM  Lunch and Networking
2:00 PM Judge´s Deliberation

UIW Side Events (Side Panel) Aswa Hall

Unlocking Funding for Ugandan Ventures- What’s uncommon with those that have made it

Sharing notes within the Region How do we get money flowing into our Startup Ecosystems? (Online side panels) Rwizi Hall

3:00 PM UIW Side Event (Master Class) Aswa Hall

The Legalities of Entrepreneurship by KTA Facilitated by KTA Advocates

4:00 PM Fireside chat/discussion
5:00 PM

until 8:00 pm

UIW Awards and Closing Ceremony

StartHub Africa Pitch Competition Awards

Startup Uganda Awards

Guest Performance, Cocktail and Networking

Meet the finalists from 7 participating Universities

Namutebi Sudesh Leila
Kyambogo University

Namutebi Sudesh Leila

Comfort Peace Ayikoru

Comfort Peace Ayikoru

Yaar Mary Ayuen
Makerere University

Yaar Mary Ayuen

Atuhurira Kirabo Kakopo
Makerere University

Atuhurira Kirabo Kakopo

Atim Peace Gracious
Gulu University

Atim Peace Gracious

Adomati Oresto
Muni University

Adomati Oresto

Busitema University




Kyambogo University

Namutebi Sudesh Leila


Comfort Peace Ayikoru

Makerere University

Yaar Mary Ayuen

Makerere University

Atuhurira Kirabo Kakopo

Gulu University

Atim Peace Gracious

Muni University

Adomati Oresto

Busitema University




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